I morgon är det vernissage på Antikmässan och vi ska dit och mingla och fynda. Tyvärr räcker nog inte kassan till en Baertling men förhoppningsvis hittar vi något annan fint till huset.
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Vår blogg "Two Swedish Cottages" handlar om byggnationen av två familjers sommarhus bredvid varandra ute i Roslagen. Det gemensamma projektet startade under en resa till Kitzbühel på sportlovet 2007. Här kan ni följa våra byggplaner, tankar och drömmar! Dessutom kommer det serveras en hel del god mat...
Leta i den här bloggen
Helenas byggprojekt
- Vi flyttade in i mars 2009-
Malins byggprojekt
- Vi hoppas flytta in i juli 2010 -
Here you can read about our project to build two summer houses on two plots next to each other in Roslagen, Sweden.
1 kommentar:
Measure your bare foot from collezione hogan heel Moncler Outlet to the longest toe or you can place your bare foot against the wall then using a pencil mark the top of your toe and acquire correct measurement.It is really difficult to find a suitable pair of hogan, Belstaff Clothing so be sure to try wearing the hogan again and again until the appropriate pair turn up.Light in weight and unique in style these hogans maximizes comfort level and mark Nike Air Max Shoes their advent as one of the trendiest statement pieces in today's world of fashion.With a clear scientific research it has been found that light hogan are of great help in toning your muscular activity and ensures correct posture while standing or at work.If you do use anything damp when cleaning, Belstaff Mens Bags let your hogans dry out thoroughly before applying any type of wax or oil to them
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